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Rock Solid Frequently Asked Questions

Rock Solid Custom Granite offers granite countertops throughout the Durango and Four Corners and beyond. We are committed to delivering the highest quality goods and services, regardless of the budget of your project. We will support you every step of the way, from the time you select your stone until we install your new countertops in your home. All of our stone fabrication and installation is handled in-house. You are welcome to visit our shop at any time during your project’s progress. In fact, at Rock Solid Custom Granite, we encourage it. Below are a few common questions that our customers have had over the years. Since we provide custom service, we realize you may have additional questions pertaining to your particular granite counter renovation, and we look forward to answering those for you as well.

We try to make the process of transformation to your new countertops as easy as possible. The timeframe for the entire process from creating your template to your final installation varies depending on the scope of the project, the stone that is chosen, and the availability for scheduling.

After learning about your stone countertop needs, we will invite you to view the slabs that are in our inventory. If your project includes a material that is available from one of our many trusted stone suppliers, then we will place you in their very capable hands for assistance with your material selection.

From our years of experience, we have learned that the quality of the less expensive natural stone can be just as good as the quality of the more expensive stone. What this means for you is that there has never been a better time to replace your current countertops with Natural Stone or Engineered Quartz countertops. We can help you select the right product, at the right price, to meet your budget requirements.

* Beware of discount granite countertops as they may chip.

Studies have been conducted that prove that this should not be a concern. We can provide that information to ease your concerns about granite counters and vanity tops.

Confused between granite and quartz? Our guide helps you make an informed choice. Experience our amazing services at Rock Solid Custom Granite!

Whether you choose granite or quartz countertops, the choice is yours. We work with both granite and quartz products. Both are great products and make a great choice for your countertops, and both have their advantages and disadvantages. There are many more choices available with granite, as there are hundreds of materials to choose from. Granite has more movement (beautiful colors and patterns in the stone itself) than quartz. Granite is a natural product while quartz is man-made. We can work with you to determine the product that best fits your needs and budget.

We fabricate and install all-natural stone counters, including granite, quartzite, marble, onyx, soapstone, and travertine

Granite is all priced in different tier categories depending on the stone you choose. Rock Solid has two showrooms for you to view your granite before purchasing. We work with all major suppliers.

When you choose Rock Solid for your countertop supplier we seal all-natural stones at the time of your installation with a 15 year sealer Free of charge! Our competitors don’t want you to know that!

Yes with Granite you can put a hot pan on the surface, unlike Engineered Quartz which can burn.

You can use a mixture of mild soap and water to clean your countertops or if you have any further questions you can contact us directly or reference our Stone Care Guide.

Each material has their entry level price points and their high price points. It all depends on the look of the material to determine price. Typically more plain colored quartz materials are less expensive.

Contact Rock Solid Custom Granite

Contact us today to receive your free custom granite estimate. Every project is custom and we may have a special offer just for you. View our special offers today or contact us to discuss your custom granite countertop project.

Schedule Your Free Estimate Today