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Travertine Countertops in Durango

Our friends and neighbors in Durango are rediscovering the beauty and grandeur of travertine as a great option for wall cladding or stone fireplace surrounds. Travertine is a limestone that makes for perfectly designed wall applications.

Travertine Countertop in Durango, CO

What Is Travertine?

Limestone is a class of sedimentary rock that, by tradition, has many named types, including travertine. You may have heard of travertine marble, but that is a misnomer; all travertine is limestone. Almost all travertine emerges from the earth with small cavities or minimal gaps. These are routinely filled with resin and travertine dust to blend imperceptibly with the surrounding stone.

Travertine countertop

Characteristics of Travertine

Chief among travertine’s many benefits is its reasonable cost in comparison with other stones. Because it is a bit more porous than other rocks with visible pitting on the surface, Travertine will require special care and attention to spills, especially from acids like orange juice or cranberry juice. This is not necessarily a flaw but rather a unique characteristic of this very unique stone that adds rustic charm to a space. The color palette with travertine is extensive, though, so you can find a shade to match any design or style:

  • Pale cream
  • Coral red
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Beige
  • Ivory
  • Warm Walnut Brown


Your Durango-area home can come alive with all the places travertine countertops could be installed:

  • Feature Wall
  • Fireplace Surround

The stone works with a bit more ease and give than harder rocks, and can be applied vertically or horizontally, so backsplashes and countertop edges are never a problem. Even if you do opt for tile countertops, travertine can be cut and shaped more easily than porcelain or ceramic tile, making installation a breeze.

Timeless Harmony

Travertine lends a sophisticated, yet earthy elegance to any room. It can work across many color schemes, take several finishes from highly polished to honed, and provide decades of sturdy service with minimal cleaning. The stone’s earthy majesty harmonizes with just about any decor, from traditional to modern looks.

To learn more about travertine and its great uses in Durango homes, please contact us at Rock Solid Custom Granite. We can show you samples, measure and give estimates, and help you select the travertine that best suits your home.

Schedule Your Free Estimate Today