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Cozy Up by Your New Stone Fireplace

Picture a cozy winter evening in a mountain cabin. If you’re like most people, a fireplace is probably a big part of that picture. You can bring coziness and warmth into your home with a beautifully-designed stone fireplace. The team at Rock Solid Custom Granite loves working with homeowners across Colorado, helping them create stone façade and hearth for your indoor or outdoor fireplace.

Fireplace Stone Options in Durango, CO

Take Your Pick From Our Stone Slabs

First things first, you’ll need to pick a material for your fireplace. Our customers come to us thanks to our wide selection of natural and engineered stone. If you love the classic look of granite or marble, we can create a fireplace tailored to your tastes. But if you prefer something more modern and unique, we can work with you to find the perfect quartz slab for your needs. Our customers have their pick from the following materials:

Benefits of a Luxury Stone Fireplace

A stone fireplace is an investment, but it’s one that will give you returns for years to come! Here are some of the top reasons to design your very own luxury fireplace:

Add Warmth & Ambiance

A fireplace offers unmatched warmth and coziness to any space. If you're hoping to enhance your living room's ambiance, you can't go wrong with a luxury stone fireplace!

Save on Heating Bills

When you have a fireplace in your home, you won't need to turn up the heat when winter hits the Colorado mountains. You could save hundreds on heating bills over the years.

Increase Home Value

These days, fireplaces are major selling points in homes. If you plan to sell your home in the next few years, buyers may be willing to pay a premium for a living room with a luxury fireplace.

Feature Your Personality

Designing a fireplace is the perfect way to add your own personal touch to your home. Incorporate your personality with specialty slabs and other design features.

We’ll Walk You Through the Design Process

Are you concerned about a complicated fireplace design process? Don’t be! The team at Rock Solid Custom Granite is committed to walking you through every step, from taking measurements to the final installation. In just a few weeks’ time, you’ll be enjoying a cozy fireplace and all the added benefits that come with it.

Schedule Your Free Estimate Today