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Dedicated to Excellence

Rock Solid Custom Granite has been proud to offer top tier stone fabrication services in this beautiful state of Colorado for over sixteen years. We go above and beyond to make sure that each esteemed customer has a smooth and pleasant experience with us. Our Littleton location services the entire Denver Metro area and our Durango location services the Durango area including the Four Corners.

Our team of stone professionals pride themselves on working hard to provide top quality products and services to all of our clientele. We bring more than 75 years of combined experience in the construction and granite countertop industries and have gained a well-earned reputation for being the top granite countertop company in Durango and the Denver metro area. If you wish to have the finest stone countertops and surfaces installed in your space, please reach out to our dependable company today!

Specializing in Custom Design, Fabrication, and Installation

We offer beautiful granite countertops across Colorado. Our custom granite countertops are offered at competitive prices with many options to choose from. You can visit our showroom to see the available stones we offer. We are located in Littleton & Durango, Colorado, and service the entire Denver Metro area, as well as many other areas in the state of Colorado. We have showrooms located in Littleton & Durango, Colorado and have over 50 years of combined experience in the construction and Countertop industry. Look no further than Rock Solid Custom Granite for your kitchen, bathroom, outdoor entertainment or custom countertop renovation.

countertop options

Make Your Vision a Reality

Helping our clients make their countertop dreams a reality is our favorite thing to do. At Rock Solid Custom Granite, we’ll work with you to explore your seemingly countless options and find the perfect slab for your kitchen or bathroom. Simply let us know your vision—do you picture elegant textures or colors that pop? Once we have an idea of your aesthetic, we’ll get to work helping you narrow down our selection. Before long, you’ll be enjoying the countertops you’ve always imagined!

Contact Rock Solid Custom Granite

Contact us today to receive your free custom granite estimate. Every project is custom and we may have a special offer just for you. View our special offers today or contact us to discuss your custom granite countertop project.

Schedule Your Free Estimate Today