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Quartz countertops have been riding a wave of popularity for their stunning visual appeal and ease of maintenance. Yet, a recurring question that homeowners ask is “Do quartz countertops need to be sealed?” Contrary to natural stones like marble or granite, quartz countertops are crafted from a blend of crushed quartz crystals and resin, which inherently alters how they should be cared for.

Do Quartz Countertops Need to be Sealed

Is Sealing Quartz Countertops Necessary?

The brief answer to this question is that honed or satin finish quartz countertops DO require sealing, however, polished quartz countertops do NOT require sealing. Engineered with a non-porous surface, polished quartz countertops resist staining and do not require the application of a sealant. This quality is courtesy of the resin, which fills any microscopic gaps between the quartz crystals, making the material impervious to moisture and spills. This feature provides quartz with a considerable edge over natural stones, which usually require regular sealing to sustain their looks and durability.

What About White Quartz?
White quartz countertops are especially alluring, often raising questions about whether their immaculate nature makes them more prone to staining. Rest assured, whether your quartz is dark, white, or textured doesn’t influence the countertop’s non-porous character. Consequently, white quartz countertops do not demand any extra sealing compared to other shades or patterns.

Is Sealing Polished Quartz Countertops a Bad Idea?

Since polished quartz is already engineered to be non-porous, applying a sealer would be superfluous unnecessary and might even be detrimental. A sealant layer can produce a sticky, unsightly film on the surface that may degrade unevenly over time, marring the countertops’ inherent beauty.

Other Care Guidelines

It’s important to note that it is vital to avoid abrasive cleaners or scrubbing pads, as they may scratch or dull the quartz. Also, despite being somewhat heat resistant, quartz can sustain damage from extreme temperatures, so using heat resistant pads or trivets for hot cookware is highly recommended. Also, you should avoid cutting directly on the quartz surface, especially acidic foods, to prevent any possible damage.


To answer the original question, polished quartz countertops do not need to be sealed. Their non porous nature eliminates the need for sealing, irrespective of its color or texture. However, honed or satin quartz countertops are not completely maintenance free. All quartz countertops need protection from hot cookware, you should never cut directly on them, and they need regular cleaning to remain as beautiful as when they were first installed.

Who to Call

If you have any questions about quartz countertops, check with the experts here at Rock Solid Custom Granite. We are your go-to source for top quality stone countertops in the Denver Metro and Four Corners areas, with locations in Littleton and Durango. We take pride in offering exceptional goods and services tailored to your budget and your individual needs. Our end-to-end services include in-house stone fabrication and installation, ensuring a seamless and simplified remodeling experience. From the moment you choose your stone to the final installation, we’re with you every step of the way. You’re even invited to visit our shop to monitor your project’s progress.

To learn more about our company and our products, or to schedule a consultation, contact us via our website or gives us a call. In Littleton (Denver Metro) dial 720-800-4403, and in Durango (Four Corners) dial 970-459-5982.