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Considering new countertops for the kitchen? If so, you probably already know that there are a number of different options to choose from, and it’s possible to make a compelling case for each one. In this short post, we specifically wanted to highlight soapstone. Although soapstone is by no means the most popular kitchen countertop material, it is certainly one of the most unique and is loved by all who choose to incorporate it into their kitchen design. Some of the top reasons to consider a soapstone work surface in your kitchen include:

  • Soapstone is uniquely gray in appearance and gets darker as it ages, helping it blend in perfectly with older traditional homes and cottage-style kitchens
  • Soapstone countertops are stain and heat resistant, making them the ideal work surface for even the busiest kitchens
  • Soapstone is also naturally resistant to harboring germs and bacteria, which provides a safe and healthy kitchen environment

The best way to find out if soapstone is the right countertop material for you is to visit a kitchen remodel showroom in Durango and Four Corners and view this unique stone in person. You will also benefit from speaking with an expert about the best type of material for your countertops and island.

Modern Kitchen cabinet